Homemade-Salted-Caramel INOX Artisans

Homemade Salted Caramel

Nov 03, 2023Anita MacKenzie

If you thought making caramel was difficult, you’re in for a sweet (and salty) surprise. You won’t need a candy thermometer or any special supplies to make this dessert treat. Not sweet on salt? You can leave it out for a sweet creamy caramel to pour over cake, ice cream, or on its own.  

Carmel with Sundance heart spoons

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Serves: 12 Calories: 163 kcal


  • 1 cup white granulated sugar
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1- 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt, or to taste


Add white granulated sugar and water to a medium saucepan. Heat the mixture over medium-high heat until the sugar has melted completely. While heating, stir the mixture gently but make sure to keep it at the bottom of the pan to avoid crystallization on the sides.

Once the sugar has dissolved and is beginning to boil, reduce your heat to medium. Without stirring, let the syrup come to a gentle boil.

While it cooks, you’ll see the liquid turn from a yellowish hue to a light brown. Keep your eyes and nose on the pot! If it begins to smell like it’s burning, remove the pot from the heat, turn the heat down to low, and return the pot to the burner.

After about 6-7 minutes the bubbling syrup will turn a medium amber color. Once it reaches that color, turn off the burner and remove the pot.

CAUTION: The next step involves adding the heavy cream and vanilla to the mixture. It may bubble up. To avoid any accidents, add the cream slowly and stir continuously until fully mixed. Once the cream is incorporated, add the butter and stir until it has melted and blended well. Let the mixture rest until the bubbles have subsided before you proceed to the next step.

Add salt according to taste. It will still be very hot, so cool it before tasting.

Let the caramel cool in the pot for 15 minutes before transferring it to a bowl to cool down completely.

Note: You may want to serve the salted caramel warm over ice cream or other desserts.


Products: Sundance Heart Coffee/Dessert Table Spoons.

Recipe and photos by: Carrie of Pantry to Table


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